Wednesday, June 24, 2015

Priorities within Prayer

by Randy Petersen

While prayer is a personal and intimate form of communication with our Heavenly Father, it is at it’s core a real, functioning piece of spiritual machinery. When used and maintained properly, it will deliver actual results. Much like the engine in an airplane, prayer can be a powerful life force that will take you to wonderful places and to heights which you have most likely never before imagined possible. In time as you apply more of the Happiness Principle program within your life, this wonderful process of prayer will become increasingly productive. But much like an engine if certain components such as oil, coolant or gas are missing, the process stops working. In this post we will help you add the necessary components of prayer to your life and fine tune this dynamic spiritual communication tool. 

Lets quickly review the components of prayer as discussed in The Happiness Principle. These points are cornerstones to successful communication with God.
Gods True Character ~ If we believe that God is anything less than unconditionally loving and concerned, and that He is always working in our best interest, the process of prayer cannot effectively begin.  
Relinquish Will ~ It’s our own plan that has usually messed things up in the past. Now it’s time to let go of our own ego and let God take over.  As you pray for a new beginning, a better now or an improved future, you must separate your plan from Father’s. Look for patterns in your life that have lead to difficulty in the past, and within the process of prayer strive not to repeat them. Listen for the answer that might not be the easy path but perhaps is the better way. Reject the usual voices that offer instant gratification and more of the same, but instead begin embracing the peaceful prompting that encourages you to do the right thing, perhaps the challenging thing. Remember doing the right thing is not always the easy thing.
Listen and Follow ~ Listening to and discerning Father’s promptings takes practice. Here is another area where  a strong understanding of the true character of God is helpful. If you are feeling stressed or uneasy concerning the answer you believe you are receiving, it’s probably not from God. Of course God may encourage you to take a new and more challenging approach within your life and this can cause some anxiety, but in the end His answers will always be consistent with His character traits and be accompanied by common sense and eventually an overall sense of peace. Once your answer is heard, you must do all that you can to be true to that answer. If you are being asked to take action in a certain area of your life, try to do so with as much consistency, discipline and confidence as you can.  Dedicate yourself to the new path that Father has given you and resist any doubts that might weaken your resolve concerning your answer. 
Stand Still ~ Now this is the most exciting point in this process, the point after which your blessing will be delivered. It is also where the age old concept of FAITH comes into play. Once you have done all that you have been asked to do, start exercising faith that Father will do the rest. Resist the temptation to become impatient or fearful or to give up. Go about your business, live your life and keep talking to Father. Unless further instructions are received, continue to place it in His hands and don’t dwell on it or over think it. If you will do this you will see real answers to prayers. You will see resolutions to problems, advancements in every area of your life, and health and happiness never before dreamed possible. 

 For more information on how to supercharge the process of prayer, check out the new Happiness Principle Workbook at the web address below.


Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Developing Your Belief in God

by Randy Petersen

In the book The Happiness Principle we learn that there is no magic trick for developing a basic belief in God. Belief comes by way of prayer, study, and a real desire to know the truth. While some may search for answers in scientific facts purporting to prove God’s existence, a lasting faith and belief is found in an intuitive building of spiritual proof within the heart. It is a gift that is gradually revealed to those that truly desire it and to those that make it a personal priority. As you develop or strengthen your current belief, an accurate and positive view of Father is essential. If you are struggling with belief then prayer may be an unfamiliar practice to you. 

If this is true, start out by trying to talk to God. Instead of an eyes closed, head bowed, prayerful approach; go somewhere alone, uninterrupted and talk to God. Eyes open, out loud, have a conversation with Him. Ask Him questions, voice concerns, request assistance, and just begin an ongoing dialogue. It must be ongoing because doing this once and then waiting for results will not work. If you will do this once or more every day, in time real belief will start to blossom and a personal connection with Father will begin to be established. These could be the most important conversations you will ever have. If you already have belief you can strengthen that belief through this process or through heartfelt daily prayers that are focused upon the desire for a more certain knowledge of God’s existence. This is the most basic foundation for lasting happiness so once you’ve begun to build it, don’t allow anyone or anything to take it from you. Protect your belief like your most valuable possession, and you and your family will receive Father’s blessings and care for generations to come.

 To learn more about the importance of having a strong belief in and understanding of God, check out the new book The Happiness Principle at the web address below.